Learn how to use clay plaster! August 6 (rain or heat date August 7)
Calling all folks who are interested in natural building with materials you can obtain locally and and names that you can recognize: clay, sand, straw, water, lime!
Place: Big Foot Food Forest, 16 Hatchery Road, Montague, MA. Contact: [email protected] or 781-428-1670 (text) Time: 9 AM - 4 PM, lunch included. Space is limited to 10 participants. Please sign up by August 5! Clay and lime plasters make awesome wall finishes if you are putting up a natural cob or straw bale building, but they can also be used over conventional walls. Clay and lime plasters are natural, breathable, and excellent moisture regulators! We are going to be putting up a clay-lime plaster layer on the outside of a small straw bale building on our farm. You will learn how to mix the plaster and apply it using the two-pass method. We will also give an overview of the other plaster mixes we're using, talk about how they work together and about what we use different plaster mixes for. We'll even provide a hand-out with all that info! We are not professionals, and this is our first straw bale building project (we have built a bunch of other stuff), but we hosted a workshop where we learned a lot, have done a lot of research, and tried out different techniques. We hope you will join us, August 6! |
Timber frame raising May 21, 2022 (raindate May 22)
We are building a small timber frame, straw bale studio on our permaculture farm in Montague, MA. On May 21 (rain date May 22) we will be raising the timber frame! If you have every wanted to be part of a community timber frame raising, here is your opportunity! We hope that a good group of ~10 folks come out to join us. We start at 8:30 AM and will provide a big, healthy lunch for everyone. You can join for the entire day or just part of the day, as your schedule allows.
Contact: [email protected].
Please let us know if you are coming, so that we can plan accordingly.
Contact: [email protected].
Please let us know if you are coming, so that we can plan accordingly.