This year, we began selling small amounts of mushrooms at the Greenfield Farmer's market thanks to our friends at Just Roots farm, who graciously "host" our little pints on their beautiful and bountiful stand. It has taken us a long time to get to this small beginning. Growing mushrooms at home or for a small market is hot. A veritable cottage industry of YouTube videos and websites are out there to tell you how you too can grow delicious mushrooms! Haha! But it's not that simple (at least, for me). Ten years ago, when it was just starting, I was so enticed by the idea of growing gourmet mushrooms at home, and did all that I could to get some of those delicious, yummy fruits for our table. The result was a long series of moldy mishaps. I am sharing those, because hopefully some of them are amusing to the reader, but more to encourage newbie mushroom growers: don't be disappointed if your shroomies turn into green mold; just try again, and again, and you will eventually succeed.